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Internet Tethering over Bluetooth Setup on iPhone 3G and Windows Vista/XP Computers

Internet Tethering over Bluetooth Setup on the Third Computer

7. Now this computer is connected as a PAN client to the iPhone 3G as a PAN server. This computer is assigned a private (LAN) IP address of (192.168.20.x, x from 2 to 254) by the DHCP server, i.e. the iPhone 3G which bears a gateway LAN IP address of

Windows XP > Network Connections : Bluetooth Network Connection Connected to iPhone, Firewalled, IP Address, Subnet Mask, Assigned by DHCP, Role : Personal Area Network Client, Physical Address (iPhone MAC address 00-25-00-xx-yy-zz)

Picture. This computer is connected to the iPhone 3G and assigned a dynamic private IP address.

Windows XP > Bluetooth Network Connection Properties > Bluetooth tab : Service Name - Service Description : Personal Ad Hoc User Service. To authenticate additional Bluetooth devices, remove authentication from a device, or manage the services available for your Bluetooth radio use the Bluetooth Devices in Control Panel. Learn more about Bluetooth Networking.     iPhone 3G screenshot: Settings > General > Bluetooth > Bluetooth ON : Devices : DESKTOP Connected LAPTOP Connected RIZ-PC Connected. Now Discoverable.

Picture. This computer is a PANU (PAN User).
Internet Tethering is active in the iPhone 3G.
All the three computers are connected at the same time to the iPhone 3G as a PAN server.

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